Oily Beginnings

#1, February 17th, 2025, 10:00 AM

Hello, dear reader!!! If you are reading this, it is easy to assume you are a newcomer to this website and have most likely have never heard of Kale Mart Records. This is because Kale Mart Records has never existed — until now!!!!
Kale Mart Records is a project I started that aims to highlight relatively unknown, yet talented musicians from the internet, regardless of style or genre, and collaborate with them to release their music physically. While the current primary focus for this project is the audio cassette, as Kale Mart Records grows you can expect to see releases on other formats, such as the compact disk and possibly even the vinyl record!

For the past few months I have been working with a small independent musician going by the name of Oily Bastard to release his fourth album "President" on the cassette tape format. This album is super cool, so I am very grateful for the opportunity to do so :) The tapes were designed by me under the guidance of Henry "Big H" Adams, the artist behind the Oily Bastard alias, and contain the full sixteen track LP, as well as nine awesome bonus tracks! you can purchase a copy at kalemartrecords.bandcamp.com for $17 canadian dollars! (that's $12 USD for all of the americans out there, of which I assume most of you to be)

I am super happy with how these turned out, and I am excited to finally be able to share them with the world!!! each tape is manually recorded and assembled by me in my home, so they are subject to small imperfections, but such is life. Also, each one comes with a special Oily Bastard sticker designed by the man himself!

So thank you for reading, and if you should choose to purchase a copy, thank you for becoming one of the first customers and supporters of Kale Mart Records!! if YOU yourself are a musical artist and would be interested in working with us, please let me know at kalemartrecords@gmail.com.

I hope for this to be only the first in a long series of lovingly crafted releases. CHEERS